Saturday, 19 November 2016

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Have a Great Summer!

Thank you everyone for the great two months and wonderful end to the school year! It was wonderful to get to know you all and I wish you all the best in all your future endeavours. You are all great wonderful and talented people! Have a fantastic summer and do your best to hit at least a few of the things on my to do list. ha ha. 

All the best, 

Mr. H

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Splash Pad!

Please remember we are going to the splash pad on Tuesday afternoon! I will be sending home your food to bring list with you on Monday Night. Please check your note of what else to bring with you. 

- Mr. H

Thursday, 23 June 2016


Is it to easy to get into violent movies today as a kid? Should this be more up to your parents then the government?

Grade 5 Forces

From Class Today.

Todo/Agenda June 23rd

1. Finishing passion projects tomorrow.
2. Art final class to work Monday.
3. P.J. day tomorrow.
4. STOMP Monday
5. Report Cards Tuesday
6. Class party/Splash Pad June 28th. 

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Writing Prompt

Four Forces of Flight

Lets look at the four forces of flight.

Four forces web quest

At the end tell me what the four forces are and how they are important to flight.


1. Passion Projects Well done today those who went!- more over the next two days
2. Grade 6 sci form
3. Math Games keep working we will be playing them Friday and Monday. 
4. Rubrics signed. 
5. PJ- Spirit day Friday.

Lick Your Cat!

Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Agenda/ Todo

1. Passion projects tomorrow- Friday
2. Gym clothes tomorrow
3. Grade 6 science forms
4. STOMP - presenting Monday
5. Spirit day Friday

Monday, 20 June 2016

Todo/Agenda June 20th

1. Lit circle tomorrow
2. Math games- Friday
3. Grade 6 science forms
4. Passion projects- Wed to Friday.
5. Rubrics signed. 

Friday, 17 June 2016

Agenda june 17th

1. Parody Monday
2. Lit Circle Tuesday. 
4.Passion Project Wed-Fri (check your day please)
5. Spirit day Friday 24th
6. Science form signed
7. Sci- Grade 5 presenting Monday-Tuseday

Chris Hadfield Website

Here is a link to the Chris Hadfield Website that we will be exploring over the next week. Feel free to go on and explore yourself.

Chris in Space

Chemical Vs Physical Change (This will be moved to Friday or Monday)

Chemical change is any change that results in the formation of new chemical substances. At the molecular level, chemical change involves making or breaking of bonds between atoms. These changes are chemical:
  • iron rusting (iron oxide forms)
  • gasoline burning (water vapor and carbon dioxide form)
  • eggs cooking (fluid protein molecules uncoil and crosslink to form a network)
  • bread rising (yeast converts carbohydrates into carbon dioxide gas)
  • milk souring (sour-tasting lactic acid is produced)
  • suntanning (vitamin D and melanin is produced)
Physical change rearranges molecules but doesn't affect their internal structures. Some examples of physical change are:
  • whipping egg whites (air is forced into the fluid, but no new substance is produced)
  • magnetizing a compass needle (there is realignment of groups ("domains") of iron atoms, but no real change within the iron atoms themselves).
  • boiling water (water molecules are forced away from each other when the liquid changes to vapor, but the molecules are still H2O.)
  • dissolving sugar in water (sugar molecules are dispersed within the water, but the individual sugar molecules are unchanged.)
  • dicing potatoes (cutting usually separates molecules without changing them.)

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Agenda- June 16th

1. Science Grade 5 presenting tomorrow. 
2. Lit Circle- Tuesday
3. Parody- Presenting Monday
4. Passion Project- wed, Thurs or Fri check your day
5. STOMP- Monday 27th.

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Logo Creation

Click the top right arrow to download!



1. Area track and field tomorrow
2. Science Lab reports and structures- Due Thursday. 
3. Check point Thursday (math)
4. Parody presentations- Monday
5. Lit circle- Tuesday
6. Passion projects next week - wed-fri Check the blog for your day!

Parody Poem Creation.

Parody Project

You will be making a parody of a poem or song and image to go with this poem or song. Your parody will one be part of this poem or song You do not have to reprint a full song. It does not have to rhyme. The image may be an album cover or just a related picture.

Success Criteria

  • At least ten lines.
  • On a new topic or have 1/3 original lines to change the meaning.
  • Have an original title as well as its new parody title.
  • If it is a song it must follow the same rhyme scheme as the original.
  • Appropriate for school.
  • Flow and have a sense of humor parodies are funny.

Monday, 13 June 2016

Presentation Dates Passion Project

Wed - 22nd
N N- G
V K- G
B S- O
E-J J -O



Agenda/Todo June 13th

1. Have poems handed in tomorrow
2. Math review questions
3. Math checkpoint Thursday
4. Science - Lab reports over due
5. Science- Structures done for Thursday
6. Area- Wed
7. Passion projects presenting next week!

Parody Songs

Parody Examples

Friday, 10 June 2016


1. Poem- due Monday
2. Structure- Due Thursday ( Mounted and Finished) 
3. Bring in materials for STOMP
4. Math questions- Attempt for Monday
5. Forms for track and field
6.. I must have your lab reports by Monday! Absolute Last Day. 
7. 6's- Lit circle hand in on Monday
8. Math checkpoint Thursday 

Have a good weekend - Mr. H

Thursday, 9 June 2016


1. Poem now due Monday (great work today)
2. Lit circle- tomorrow
3. Math questions - Tomorrow
4. STOMP - keep bringing in materials. 
5. Grade 6 Music Trip Tomorrow
6. Track and Field Forms. (Area)
7. Science- Grade 5's due Thursday June 16th. 6's Friday the 10th.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Agenda/Todo List

1. Lit circle- Friday
2. Note and materials for Stomp
3. Get rubrics signed please and thank you
4. Poem- Due Friday
5. Science- Grade 5 due Thursday 16th. (Absolutely must be done!)
6. Science- Grade 6 Due Friday 10th. 
7. Grade 6's have your music permission here tomorrow!
8. Math must be handed in by tomorrow. 
9. Script planning due tomorrow. 

How to Play Tchoukball

Can be played inside or outside.
Team size depends on court size.

To score a point you must throw the ball off the net from outside the crease. If it hits the ground your team gets a point.

If you throw from inside the crease the other team gets a point.

If the other team catches the ball before it hits the ground then you do not get the point.

After a point the defending team starts the action from the end of the field where the point has been scored.

Additional Rules:
No more then three steps with the ball
No more then three-five passes with the ball
No more then three seconds with the ball
No physical contact.
No interceptions
No stealing the ball from the other teams hands.
If the ball hits the ground on a pass the other team gets possession.

Monday, 6 June 2016


1. Track and Field Tomorrow (bring water and gym clothes)
2. Math- We will finish the tree diagram on Wednesday.
3. Catalogue Poem - Thursday
4.  Lit Circle- Friday
5. Grade 6- Bring back music trip signed by Wednesday 
6. Script Plan - Should be done and ready to hand in. 

Math Tree Success Criteria

Space Travel and Your Body

Click the link below we will be looking at what space travel does to your body.

Space travel and your body

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Thursday, 2 June 2016

Todo/Agenda June 2nd

1. PD Day tomorrow
2. Science materials 
3.Passion project script planning- Monday
4. Track and Field Tuesday
5. Rubrics Signed 
6. Grade 6 music trip June 10th (Friday) 

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Todo/ Agenda June 1st

Happy first day of June!

1. Lit circle sharing - Tomorrow
2. Math Front and Try This- Tomorrow
3. Passion project script planning- Monday
4. Track and Field - Tuesday June 7th
5. Grade 6 Music Trip- Friday June 10th

The Great Space Debate!

Read this list of Pro's and Con's are you for or against space travel? Be prepared to tell us why!

1. Space exploration allows us to find out more about the galaxy we are in as well as learn more about our planet.
2. Finding an inhabitant planet other than earth can help reduce overpopulation concerns.
3. While we are exploring space, we have learned so many things we wouldn’t know otherwise. We have learned of starts, planets other galaxies, and the new coming idea of what could be past our galaxy are endless.
4. The design of new technology evolves as space exploration expands and evolves, all of which generates jobs, opportunities and the overall good of the world.

5. Weather patterns can be studied when we are in space, allowing for a better understanding of one of nature’s strongest forces.


1. Space exploration takes up a lot of valuable and costly resources that could be better used in a needy world.
2. Space exploration is very costly to do. With budget cuts and the government in deep debt, it is hard to think how much more exploration we can actually accomplish without the financial means to do so.
3. Traveling into space is dangerous and those who go into space risk their health when doing so. The conditions outside the earth’s atmosphere can cause any medical conditions and make health concerns worsen. 
4. It is quite possible that there are diseases in the other atmospheres that could be a detriment to the country if it were to ever come into the earth’s atmosphere. The chances are unlikely, but there is a lot more of space to learn about.
5. Items that came into the earth’s atmosphere that don’t break up upon entry and disintegrate can cause massive damage when they land on the earth, such as a meteor.

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Todo/Agenda May 31st 2016

1. Track June 7th
2. Bring your building materials for science- Grade 5's
3. Lit circle Thursday
4. I must have all of your math by tomorrow.- Questions, Graphs and tally sheets. 
5. Gym- Thursday bring all you need.

Tripple Jump

Share Happiness

We are going to have a chat about this video.

What are your initial thoughts?

Do you have any questions about anything you saw in the video?

Is this a good thing that Coke is doing?

Are their other motives for the company to do this?

What else might be done for these workers?

Monday, 30 May 2016

Boogie Storm

Todo/Agenda May 30th

1. Building Materials Tomorrow- Grade 5
2.Track June 7th
3. Math Due Tomorrow- ready to present
4. Topic for passion project
5. Script planning for passion project- due date incoming

Rick and Dick Hoyt

Write me a paragraph response to the following video. We will be sharing.

Remember your paragraph needs:

A topic sentence, (what is this about, how does it make you feel)

Proof of the topic.

Own connection.


Friday, 27 May 2016


1. Poetry- Due Tuesday (presenting favorite poem and handling in acrostic poem)
2. Math- continue working on Monday (bring materials)
3. Read up to the end of chapter 8 or 90 pages.
4. Bring gym clothes for track.
5. We will be starting a new art project Monday.

Our Complete Whisper Paragraph.

Paragraph: We all need to listen to our whisper as Steven Spielberg said. He believes that if you listen to the little things good things could happen for you. We know this because he said the world might need your dream. One way that I will follow my own dreams is to work hard and help save animals even if it seems really challenging to do. This is why I am going to listen to my whisper. 

Red= Topic Sentence 
Blue= Proof
Green= Connection
Yellow= Conclusion

Shot Put - Grade 6 Skills

Shot put Technique


• THROWING ARM is perpendicular to your body


 • PUSHING MOTION at 45 degrees
• Extend the arm out....

Thursday, 26 May 2016


In one paragraph tell me...

- What is the message of this video
-What connections can you make to it as a student.

Remember: Paragraphs have 1. A topic sentence introducing the video

2.  Proof or personal connection with proof.

3. A concluding sentence that wraps up what you have already said.

Math Graphing Probability


1. Lit Circle- sharing tomorrow
2. Poetry- Gr.5 due Tuesday
3. Passion project- script planing due June 6th
4. Game for math tomorrow. - looking at times vs results.
5. Science- Grade 5 structures due the week of the 6th.
6. Gym clothes for tomorrow.

Build Me a Strcture- Gr. 5

Build me a Structure!

Your job is to create a display about and build me a combination structure that you pass or use in your every day life. For this project you will have to identify the parts of it as a Solid, Frame or Shell structure.  You may build it out of any material that you choose. Some will be provided for you.


You display must have:
1. A model of a structure that you are displaying.

1.  A write up on the type of structure that it is and how we can tell this.  e.g. What features does the building have?

2. A picture of the structure that you have built. (drawn or photographed)

3. A creative way to display this information so that we can see it.

4. Information on they type of structure you have chosen to build somewhere on display as well.  Eg. All the facts about a shell structure and frame structure that make it up?

Your rubric on the back of the handout has the success criteria :) 

Wednesday, 25 May 2016

The Last Hurrah

Who inspires you? Tell me why. 

Example Script Planning. Passion Project.

The success criteria are after the example.

Todo/Agenda May 25th 2016

1. Lit circle- First sharing on Friday. 
2. Poem project - Due Monday May 30th
3. Work on Script Planing for passion project- Due date incoming
4. Dance- we will be presenting tomorrow (for those who have not gone)
5. I must have your 5 things already.
6. Bring a change of clothes for gym.
7. Rubrics signed


Are video games good for you?

Poetry: Unique Acrostic Poem

Picture 1


Picture 2

For both pictures tell me:

How is this a unique poem?

How does the art relate to the topic?

Does the art/words relate to the topic? Why or why not?

In presenting what might be an issue that you would run into?


Tuesday, 24 May 2016


1. EQAO- starts tomorrow
2. Math - all questions we will take up tomorrow.
3. 5 Things MUST be handed in tomorrow
4. Bring your novel tomorrow.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Friday, 20 May 2016

Lit Circle Activities

Your Lit circle activities if you need to review them!

Have a great long weekend! - Mr. H

Click the Arrow in the top right had corner to download them :)