Friday 13 May 2016

Five Things in Five Days- Starting May 16th.

We will be starting this on Monday May the 16th. This weekend may be a good time to brain storm.

1.  Read  365 things in 365 days blog (Notice the descriptions/photos) This is something you can read during Independent reading. 
2.  Choose your favourite five ideas and explain why you chose them (5 paragraphs)
3.  Think of "5 Things in 5 Days" that you personally would like to accomplish and record them on your document.  (YOU HAVE TO BE ABLE TO DO THEM FOR PART 2)


*Try and avoid choosing a new food (Be original)

Some that I have seen before...

  • Raise money for Grace Bowen
  •  Learn to check the oil of a car
  •  Facetime Grandma in Ireland
  • Pump the gas into a car
  • Learn the Roman numeral symbols
  • Learn 30 digits of Pi
  • Message in a bottle (with a return email address)
  • Do a chore (Clean the toilets)
  • Watch the sunrise
  • Research my Family Tree

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